Adjacent to IUPUI Campus Featured amenity
Close Proximity to Public Transportation Featured amenity
On-Site Management Featured amenity
On-Site Maintenance Featured amenity
Carport Featured amenity
Garage Featured amenity
To-Your-Apartment Door Mail Delivery Featured amenity
Max 1 Allowed
Max weight 40 lb each
One time Fee $200
Deposit $300
* Only available in select apartments
Comments: Cat & Dog Friendly
Restrictions: No pets weighing more than 40 lbs combined weight (full growth) are permitted. The following breeds of dog are prohibited: Rottweiler, Doberman Pincher, Chow Chow, Pitbull, Presa Canarios, and German Shepherd. Pet deposit required. No monthly pet fee. 2 Pets Max Allowed if Approved by Leasing Office. (See leasing office for qualifying details.)